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What We Do

We restore habitat in close partnership with others.  We work with private and public landowners, community volunteers, construction contractors, engineers, Tribes, nonprofits, and state and local funding organizations to design and construct a variety of projects. 

This photo – taken years after the project was completed—shows the log weirs downstream of the culvert functioning exactly as intended.

Removing barriers so fish can freely pass up and downstream.

RESIZED MSF-tree-planting

Planting native trees and shrubs to cool streams, clean water, and provide wood for a healthy stream.

AccretingBeach - from King County

Softening or pulling out bulkheads on beaches to increase the amount of plants and small fish young salmon need.

CATS Banner

Adding instream wood for better habitat and reduced erosion.

We connect and empower residents of all ages with hands-on experiences to help fish and other wildlife that share our communities. Through our educaitonal programming we connect youth to service learning opportunities at restoration sites, so they can learn about restoring habitat while getting their hands dirty. Our volunteer events bring together volunteer organizations and local businesses to restore public lands.


Part of a Statewide Effort

Mid Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group is part of a larger, coordinated effort to restore fish in Washington. We are one of 14 regional organizations in the Regional Fisheries Coalition

Base funding for the Regional Fisheries Enhancement Group program comes from a grant from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program, a portion of state commercial and recreational fishing license fees, and excess egg and carcass sales administered by the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife.

We are grateful for the work we were able to do for salmon in 2023, and to have made these accomplishments with you. Whether you’ve come out to a habitat restoration event, given any amount of money, incorporated salmon-friendly practices into your routine, or shared your love of salmon with friends and family, you have been an important part of our salmon recovery work.

The generosity of private businesses, organizations and neighbors and concerned residents helps make individual projects a reality.  Thank you!

Beach clean-up sm
MLK2020_Fenster (3)